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Tony Jacklin 1969 on top of the Savoy

Bill Knowles

On top of the Savoy-acrylic on canvas. 120cm x 120cm.

Tony Jacklin has been one of my greatest inspirations as an artist and Golf professional.

An artists view

Tony Jacklin -100 cm x 140cm acrylic on canvas

The new Open Champion Tony Jacklin, took part in a publicity stunt on top of the London Savoy Hotel. The objective was to drive the ball over the river Thames.

The idea had been started by Walter Hagen, the matchplay champion of the thirties, who boasted he could do it in the early twenties.

Hagen has a go!- graphite and watercolour 40 x 60cm

Hagen failed but managed an impressive distance of 300 yards.

In 1963 Jack Nicklaus attempted the feat from the same spot.

Jack's attempt carried 341 yards.

The Tony Jacklin attempt in 1969 made another 15 yards but still fell short of the other riverside.

London town- 90 x 120 cm acrylic on canvas

London City and the urban scrawl laid out before the unfolding event made this public relations exersize a success.

On top of the world. The Savoy Hotel, situated on the embankment, faces the Southbank studios across the Thames.

In 1969, the prize giving for the Winners of the Sports People of the Year was held in the Savoy Hotel. It was decided to hold the attempt to drive over the River Thames the following day as an extra event.

Pencil and Charcoal on paper.

It was all a great success, with the Press and media nearly outnumbering the audience.

The publicity stunt- charcoal on paper 20 x 30cm

Pencil and charcoal sketch on paper.

The swinging sixties was still alive when this film was made. Carnaby Street, the Beatles, the quirky Mini Cooper's whizzing around the backstreets of the West End, George Best (who was also part of the event). The film is well worth a view. Try to get the feel of that late Autumnal evening and the dazzling event (see below).

Screen print 40x60cm. "City Slicker." Somerset 350g paper

To watch the actual event use the link below.

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